Quando mi sono iscritta al Whirlwind Tour, la mia prima idea è stata: voglio leggere questo libro! E credo di non aver mai avuto idea migliore. “Render” è il primo romanzo dell’autrice americana Stephanie Fleshman e fa parte di una serie che potrei definire mystery/thriller YA. Dico potrei, perché molte volte lungo il romanzo mi sono chiesta quale fosse la categorizzazione giusta, dato che il romanzo risulta un mix interessantissimo e incredibile di elementi (e anche sul YA qualcuno potrebbe storcere il naso). Il libro è uscito ad Agosto di quest’anno ed è disponibile solo in inglese.
Ringrazio ancora la Novel Publicity e l’autrice per avermi permesso di leggere una copia di questo romanzo in cambio di una onesta opinione.
When I enrolled in this Whirlwind Tour, my first thought was: I want to read this book! And I have never had better idea. “Render” is the first novel of American author Stephanie Fleshman and is part of a series that I could define mystery / thriller YA. I say “could”, because many times along the novel, I wondered what was the right categorization, since that the novel is a very interesting and amazing mix of elements (and also on the YA categorization someone might turn up their nose). The book was released in August of this year and is only available in English.
Once again I thank the Novel Publicity and the author for allowing me to read a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest opinion.

A curse for a gift
A love worth savingKoldan Holdt knows what he wants. The problem is his future was decided the day he was born—a future void of everything he has ever known.
Days before summer vacation, Koldan’s grandfather suddenly dies, leaving the consequences that have followed him since he fled his country to fall to Koldan. As Koldan learns about his new fate, he must accept the terms to which he is bound and live without the one person he wants, or remain true to who he is and risk both their lives repeating the choices his grandfather made.
Seventeen-year-old Raya Whitney thought she knew Koldan…until a sudden turn of events threatens both their lives. While she is not willing to give up without a fight, she knows it is a deadly game to stay together.
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In italiano
When the grandfather of Koldan dies from one day to another without apparent reason, the young man already knows that something is not right. These doubts arise when he discovers with his girlfriend Raya that the man was hiding a laboratory under his home, a place that nobody knew about. There are a journal of leather and maps, as well as tickets for a trip to Australia booked long ago. From here begins the adventure of this group of young people in search of the mystery hidden between the pages of the journal that speaks of an ancient tribe named Ruairc. The journey will take them across the world, in the shores of Australia where the mysteries to unravel will increase as they will move closer to the truth.
The protagonists of the story are even those who narrate the facts, with the double point of view of Koldan and Raya, in fact, we have not only a complete view of events but also a splendid narrative that is never boring. More than one chapter ends with a stunning cliffhanger that forces you to keep reading until the end of the book. How could we not mention the other wonderful characters? Lukas, the brother of Koldan, and Ethan, best friend, always close and first in line to solve the mystery. All the characters are so well defined that they seem real. I sympathized with Raya and her point of view, but I also loved that of Koldan for his great intellect. I liked them very much together, as I also appreciated the fraternal relationship between Koldan and Lukas, a say and not say relationship very plausible. Although all of the protagonists are young, they are not the usual YA characters that one would expect: Koldan and Lukas, in fact, are “small” genes and in many cases even Raya shines for her wit.
For the plot, however, the socio-political aspect interested me very much. And for not wanting to say too much, I will just say that the Russian origin of the grandfather of Koldan will be very important to the plot and that the mysteries are many. Scientific knowledge has taken aback me in several points. Really did not expect to read a novel so well detailed from the beginning.
“Render” is a really well written novel, with a style that reminded me a lot J. K. Rowling (author also dear to Fleshman), interesting descriptions and a complex and intricate plot.
Needless to say, I highly recommend it to fans of the genre mystery/ thriller and I am looking forward to read the next one!
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Recensione in italiano
As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, Render, the debut YA Paranormal novel by Stephanie Fleshman, is on sale for just 99 cents! What’s more, by purchasing this fantastic book at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes.
The prizes include a Kindle Fire, $550 in Amazon gift cards, and 5 autographed copies of the book.
All the info you need to win one of these amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment–easy to enter; easy to win!
To win the prizes:
- Get Render at its discounted price of 99 cents
- Enter the Rafflecopter contest below
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- Leave a comment on my blog for a chance at a $100 prize.
About Render: A betrayal born of blood. A curse for a gift. A love worth saving…Seventeen-year-old Raya Whitney thought she knew Koldan–until a sudden turn of events threatens both their lives. Get it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or iTunes.
Stephanie Fleshman graduated with a degree in psychology and has family throughout the United States as well as in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece. Visit Stephanie on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.
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