(Shatter Me #2)
Author: Tahereh Mafi
Language: English
Genre: YA, Dystopia, Romance.
Previous books (and my reviews): Shatter Me (#1) – Destroy Me (#1.5)
it’s almost
time for war.
Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.
She’s finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.
Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.
In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam’s life.
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What can I say? I’ll be shamelessly biased regarding the rating of this book, and I dare say that perhaps this is the best of the series (excluding the short story “Destroy Me” that could probably overcome this).
At the end of “Shatter Me” we had left Juliette and Adam in Omega Point with other people with extraordinary powers. When we find them, it’s been a few days now since their arrival and her attempts to acclimate do not go as they hope. Also Adam, her beloved Adam, the only one able to touch her, becomes more and more elusive and mysterious. And as if that were not enough, the war is approaching because Warner and The Reestablishment are looking for her tirelessly.
“Every day I stare at these 4 walls and remind myself I’m not a prisoner I’m not a prisoner I’m not a prisoner but sometimes the old fears streak across my skinn and I can’t seem to break free of the claustrophobia clutching at my throat. I made so many promises when I arrived here. Now I’m not sure. Now I’m worried.”
The same style that had fascinated me in the first book here becomes more intense, more exciting, allowing you to follow the whirlwind of thoughts of the protagonist, more and more doubtful about her role in the world. If Omega Point for many like her is the end of a journey towards freedom, for she is just the beginning, the place where she will better understands herself and what she wants. Omega Point for she is not a shelter, but almost a prison, especially when she is alone facing her doubts and fears. But that place is also her only chance to learn more about her powers and upgrade them with the help of Kenji.
“Yeah, bro.” Kenji puts his utensils down. “You are moody. It’s always ‘Shut up, Kenji.’ ‘Go to sleep, Kenji.’ ‘No one wants to see you naked, Kenji.’ When I know for a fact that there are thousands of people who would love to see me naked -”
Kenji is the carefree note and the only true friend of Juliette. Needless to say, I loved this novel, and I was happy about the role he played from now as both helper and advisor to the protagonist. As defined by the same Juliette he is a living paradox, a mix between a serious and a 12 year old boy in the middle of puberty: in short, if it were not for him, probably the entire series would have had an unbridgeable gap. Kenji is also the bridge that connects Juliette to the others, who closes her to the people of Omega Point, a task certainly not easy. Kenji alone deserves five stars!
“Not everyone is Adam. Not everyone is safe from me the way he is. No one but Adam has ever touched me ad enjoyed it. No one except for Warner. But despite Adam’s best intentions, he can’t train with me. He’s busy with other things. Things no one wants to tell me about.”
My desire to pull something to Adam has never been as strong as in this book. I’m not against him, even though I consider myself #TeamWarner, but he probably would have deserved a good punch in the face for what he did to Juliette: lie, hide and reveal it, with far too little touch (and not even in first person), what he had discovered about his power, were all things that make me feel a lot of hate towards him. As I said to Anncleire, he deserved so many shovel in the head. Maybe, I am more #TeamJuliette and I must say that his behavior is a key point not only the plot, but the whole romance. The step towards Warner was given with this dirty trick to Adam (I mean dirty trick especially for what happens after and the final revaluation of Juliette/Adam). In summary, no, this part made me mad, but Mafi has made amends with “THE CHAPTER”.
So I have to keep remembering that Warner and I are 2 different words. We are synonyms but not the same. Synonyms know each other like old colleagues, like a set of friends who’ve seen the world together. They swap stories, reminisce about their origins and forget that though they are similar, they are entirely different, and though they share a certain set of attributes, one can never be the other.
So different, so similar. Warner and Juliette are a nice combination and in this book it is clear that, although she is not convinced about him, she will soon discovers with his confessions to be attracted to what we all consider a monster. And it will be through a scene already present in “Destroy Me” Juliette starts to think differently about this boy.
“You,” and he whispers it, letter by letter he presses the word into my skin before he hesitates.
His chest, heaving harder this time. His words, almost gasping this time. “You destroy me.”
I am falling to pieces in his arms.“
And then there’s the 62 chapter. Read it, love it and hate it at the same time. Define it would be really intense too little. Probably many will turn up their nose reading these words, but I loved it. Although the response of Juliette (who also deserves a shovel in her head), the chapter is LOVE and probably I would have given anything to be in her place.
"I have 17 years to make up for and I want to feel everything. I’m not interested in waiting around and risking the who-knows and the what-ifs and the huge regrets. I want to feel all of it because what if I wake upt to find this phenomenon has passed, that the expiration date has arrived, that my chance came and went and would never return. That these hands will feel this warmth never again. I can’t. I won’t.
"Unravel Me” is perhaps the best sequel I’ve ever read. Intense, fast to read and with so much action, apart from having a final shocking. In a word: fantastic!
Che dire? Sarò spudoratamente di parte per quanto riguarda il rating di questo libro e oso dire che forse si tratta del migliore della serie (escludendo la novella “Destroy Me” che probabilmente potrebbe superarlo).
Alla fine di “Shatter Me” avevamo lasciato Juliette ad Omega Point insieme ad Adam e ad altre persone con poteri straordinari. Quando la ritroviamo, sono passati ormai alcuni giorni dal suo arrivo e i suoi tentativi di ambientarsi non vanno come tutti sperano. Inoltre Adam, il suo amato Adam, l’unico in grado di toccarla, si fa sempre più schivo e misterioso. E come se non bastasse, la guerra si avvicina perché Warner e il The Reestablishment la stanno cercando con ogni mezzo possibile.
“Every day I stare at these 4 walls and remind myself I’m not a prisoner I’m not a prisoner I’m not a prisoner but sometimes the old fears streak across my skinn and I can’t seem to break free of the claustrophobia clutching at my throat. I made so many promises when I arrived here. Now I’m not sure. Now I’m worried.”
Lo stesso stile che mi aveva affascinata nel primo libro qua si fa più intenso, più coinvolgente, permettendo di seguire il turbinio di pensieri della protagonista, sempre più dubbiosa sul suo ruolo nel mondo. Se Omega Point per molti come lei è la fine di un viaggio verso una quasi libertà, per lei è solo l’inizio, il posto in cui capirà meglio sé stessa e ciò che vuole. Omega Point per lei non è un rifugio, ma quasi una prigione, soprattutto nel momento in cui si trova da sola ad affrontare i suoi dubbi e le sue paure. Però quel luogo è anche la sua unica possibilità per imparare di più sui suoi poteri e potenziarli con l’aiuto di Kenji.
“Yeah, bro.” Kenji puts his utensils down. “You are moody. It’s always ‘Shut up, Kenji.’ ‘Go to sleep, Kenji.’ ‘No one wants to see you naked, Kenji.’ When I know for a fact that there are thousands of people who would love to see me naked -”
Kenji è la nota spensierata e l’unico vero amico di Juliette. Inutile dire che l’ho adorato e da questo romanzo in più sono stata felicissima del ruolo che ha ricoperto sia come spalla che come consigliere per la protagonista. Come lo definisce la stessa Juliette è un un paradosso vivente, un misto tra una persona seria e un ragazzino di 12 anni in piena pubertà: insomma se non ci fosse stato lui, probabilmente l’intera serie avrebbe avuto un vuoto incolmabile. Kenji è anche il ponte che collega Juliette agli altri, che la avvicina alla gente di Omega Point, un compito senz’altro non facile. Kenji da solo si merita cinque stelle!
“Not everyone is Adam. Not everyone is safe from me the way he is. No one but Adam has ever touched me ad enjoyed it. No one except for Warner. But despite Adam’s best intentions, he can’t train with me. He’s busy with other things. Things no one wants to tell me about.”
Il mio desiderio di tirare qualcosa ad Adam non è mai stato così forte come in questo libro. Non sono contro di lui, anche se mi considero #TeamWarner, ma probabilmente si sarebbe meritato un bel pugno in faccia per quello che ha fatto a Juliette: mentire, nascondere e rivelarle così, con troppo poco tatto (e neanche in prima persona), ciò che aveva scoperto sul suo potere, sono state tutte cose che me l’hanno fatto odiare parecchio. Come ho detto ad Anncleire, si meritava tante badilate in testa. Ecco forse più che per gli altri sono decisamente #TeamJuliette e devo dire che il suo comportamento è un punto chiave non solo della trama, ma dell’intera romance. Il passo verso Warner è stato dato con questo colpo mancino ad Adam (parlo di colpo mancino soprattutto per ciò che avviene dopo e per la rivalutazione finale della coppia Juliette/Adam da parte di un po’ di tutti). Riassumento, no, non mi ha fatto impazzire questa parte, ma la Mafi si è fatta perdonare con “IL CAPITOLO”.
So I have to keep remembering that Warner and I are 2 different words. We are synonyms but not the same. Synonyms know each other like old colleagues, like a set of friends who’ve seen the world together. They swap stories, reminisce about their origins and forget that though they are similar, they are entirely different, and though they share a certain set of attributes, one can never be the other.
Così diversi, così simili. Warner e Juliette sono un bel binomio e in questo libro appare chiaro come, nonostante lei sia poco convinta sul giovane, presto con le sue confessioni scoprirà di essere attratta da quello che tutti considerano un mostro. E sarà proprio attraverso una scena già presente in “Destroy Me” che Juliette inizia a pensare in modo diverso al ragazzo.
“You,” and he whispers it, letter by letter he presses the word into my skin before he hesitates.
His chest, heaving harder this time. His words, almost gasping this time. “You destroy me.”
I am falling to pieces in his arms.“
E poi c’è il capitolo 62. Leggetelo, amatelo e odiatelo al tempo stesso. Definirlo intenso sarebbe davvero troppo poco. Probabilmente molti storceranno il naso leggendo queste parole, ma io l’ho amato. Nonostante la risposta di Juliette (che si merita anche lei una badilata in testa), il capitolo è l’amore e probabilmente avrei dato tutto per essere al suo posto.
"I have 17 years to make up for and I want to feel everything. I’m not interested in waiting around and risking the who-knows and the what-ifs and the huge regrets. I want to feel all of it because what if I wake upt to find this phenomenon has passed, that the expiration date has arrived, that my chance came and went and would never return. That these hands will feel this warmth never again. I can’t. I won’t.
"Unravel Me” è forse il sequel migliore che ho mai letto. Intenso, veloce da leggere e con tanta azione, oltre ad avere un finale sconvolgente. In una parola: fantastico!