Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway "Escape From Eden" by Elisa Nader

Oggi vi parlo di una delle distopie che io ho più apprezzato negli ultimi mesi. “Escape From Eden” è, però, una distopia molto particolare: dimenticatevi futuri troppo lontani, dove tutto è perso, perché un mondo così si può trovare anche vicino casa.

Ho ricevuto una copia di questo libro dall’editore in cambio di un’onesta opinione. Ringrazio anche Book Nerd Tours per avermi inclusa in questo blog tour.

Today I will talk about one of the dystopias that I most appreciated in recent months. “Escape From Eden”, however, is a very special dystopia: forget too distant future, where everything is lost, because such a world can also be found close to home.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion. I also thank Book Nerd Tours for including me in this blog tour.

Title: Escape From Eden

Author: Elisa Nader

Language: English

Since the age of ten, Mia has lived under the iron fist of the fundamentalist preacher who lured her mother away to join his fanatical family of followers. In Edenton, a supposed “Garden of Eden” deep in the South American jungle, everyone follows the Reverend’s strict but arbitrary rules—even the mandate of whom they can marry. Now sixteen, Mia dreams of slipping away from the armed guards who keep the faithful in, and the curious out. When the rebellious and sexy Gabriel, a new boy, arrives with his family, Mia sees a chance to escape.

But the scandalous secrets the two discover beyond the compound’s façade are more shocking than anything they ever imagined. While Gabriel has his own terrible secrets, he and Mia bond together, more than friends and freedom fighters. But is there time to think of each other as they race to stop the Reverend’s paranoid plan to free his flock from the corrupt world? Can two teenagers crush a criminal mastermind? And who will die in the fight to save the ones they love from a madman who’s only concerned about his own secrets?

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In italiano




Mia spent six years listening to the sermons of the Reverend, six years in which she has been told what is right and what is wrong. During the sermon that day, Aliyah, her friend, claims to have received the call and receive a call means being invited by the Reverend in the “Prayer Circle”. The initiation into Circle opens a new chapter in the life of a citizen of Edenton: you start courting a person chosen by the Reverend, and all this ends with a wedding and the proliferation of the Flock But this is not what Mia wants, she does not want to be there, she would run away from Edenton. How to escape from there? When a new family arrives in town with their son Gabriel, a dangerous guy, who knows the life out of Edenton, Mia will soon discovers that the boy will be the only person who can help her escape.

Usually I do not read books that are dealing with the religion (any religion), indeed, to be honest, just try to avoid them, but this attracted me like a magnet and, paradoxically, I can say that it is treated in a manner so general that I was not at all upset. The merit I think it’s all about Mia, she is the narrator of the whole story and also a young girl with clear ideas: she knows that the Reverend hides much more than she can imagine and especially has figured out how to all other has been done a brainwashing. She seems the only one not to have lost her mind in the community of Edenton, where everything the Reverend says is law and any of his actions is justified. When Gabriel arrives, however, seems to have joined another voice to the chorus of protests against the despotism of this preacher. Gabriel is not only the new boy in town, but also all that Mia has lost being in that open-air prison.

The more they will get to know each other, more secrets will be revealed, in a tirelessly hunt to discover what the Reverend hides. From where come all the money that sustain the city? Why nobody dares to rebel against the despot? How can they escape?

All these questions will be resolved along the novel, until you come to a good end that could turn up the nose at someone.

“Escape From Eden” is a great dystopian novel, which shows the truth crudely, without soften her too much because it is a YA. A very special must-read that ends with this book (yes, it’s also a stand-alone!).


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Recensione in italiano

About the Author

Hi. I’m Elisa. I like cheese and reading and TV show marathons. Writing is scary, but not as scary as, say, Civil War amputations. I’m an Aquarius. Uh… let’s see… I’m not very good at writing my own biography. Or autobiography. I guess this is reading more like a slightly incoherent personal ad.


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